Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Message from the Horses

Communicating with animals, and especially with the consciousness of the groups of animals can provide very profound information. Some gifted communicators have written books with information such as this. Here is an interesting excerpt.

From the Horses:
"This time in the Earth’s history will involve enormous changes in the vibration, and consequent consciousness and evolution of life on the planet. Within the next decade animals will be considered in a new light, as spiritual equals with rights and freedoms, with important gifts to contribute to the survival of L.I.F.E. (Love In Finite Expression) forever. Man has been struggling through the dark ages of their existence in matter. Human Mass Mind Consciousness, shaped by universal consensus i.e. TV, Radio, Newspapers, has been mired with an ego driven need to fight for and accumulate material possessions. Those possessions have made it increasingly difficult to find time to commune and connect on a spiritual level with the rest of life. All of creation except the majority of mankind has been holding the vibration of love which flows freely from the All when consciousness is open. Have you noticed recently that horses are everywhere inspiring a new understanding of their gifts as wise teachers and healers. Natural Horsemanship, Equine Facilitated Therapy and Therapeutic Riding are just the very beginnings of the possibilities in Horse/Human communication. Open your minds and hearts to the messages we send you and consider us not as pawns to be exploited and tamed but as messengers from heaven, here to guide you in the experience of oneness here on earth."

Liz Mitten Ryan


Carol Upton said...

I have personally experienced the healing power of the land and the animals at Liz's ranch. I was recovering from cancer when I visited there and had a life-changing adventure. Check out the site, the books and the videos - they are truly amazing.

Briarwood Pups said...

I'm amazed by the photography in her book, and had a strong yearning to visit the ranch, too, just reading the previews! Thanks so much for sharing your story. I met some medicine horses here in Ohio who practice healing and they are incredible, too.

Carol Upton said...

I would just like to make another comment. Liz Mitten Ryan and Victoria Havercroft are guest hosting a new show on Natural Horse Network Internet radio - it's called the Life Changing Radio Series and started January 16. The response has been amazing. The next show is January 30, 4:00 pm Pacific time, with live chat during the show and call-in for questions and comments. Check out this link:

Carol Upton
Gibsons, B.C.