Sunday, May 20, 2007

Warning - spread of a contagious virus

Warning - rapid spread of contagious virus

Hot on the heels of the pet food recall comes a virus that is kicking canine butts all across the US. This highly contagious virus is affecting whole households and in some cases, whole neighborhoods, at a time and apparently does not require physical contact nor contact with feces or urine.

So far it has been seen in Texas, Iowa, Missouri and New Jersey that we know of through communication on one board, only.

The beginning stages are a reluctance to eat. This is usually followed by vomiting, diarrhea or both. Most cases have an elevated temperature (102-103). Dehydration is quick. Vets are having problems diagnosing - at first it appears to be a poisoning or salmonella related. In many cases they are prescribing anti-biotics either as a precautionary measure or against the secondary infections that have been seen, especially upper respiratory infections. IV treatments or sub-cu treatments have also been used to deal with the dehydration. Puppies and seniors are especially at risk. Once the worst has passed (1- 5 days), there are some residual problems getting the dogs to eat and put the weight back on (2-4 weeks).

If you have a high risk dog or your dog is showing signs of dehydration, get it to a vet right away for proper treatement. Conventional treatment includes IV's or sub-cutaneous fluid injection. They might also prescribe anti-biotics for secondary issues or URI.

For myself, I will have on hand plenty of Parvaid (for many symptoms, but especially the diarrhea and vomiting) and Vibactra Plus (an anti-biotic and anti-viral) which should not only deal quite effectively with the symptoms, but should also serve as a preventative measure. Another good item to have on reserve is colloidal silver which deals with problems that are bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. I also have Willard Water which should help combat dehydration more effectively. I will also be calling my veterinarians to notify them of this illness in case it spreads to this area. Warning, do not use the Vibactra Plus at the same time as a vet-prescribed anti-biotic. And the same for any intestinal illness, be sure to follow up with probiotics to restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the system.

And the general wish for those who have had it to those who haven't, "I hope this is something you never have to deal with."

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