Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Quiz - Foods that are bad for dogs

Quiz: Foods that are bad for dogs Category: Pets and Animals
How well do you know what your dog can and cannot eat? Try this quiz to test your knowledge.
1. Many people give this fruite to their dogs as a treat. However, just a few bites can cause fatal kidney failure in some dogs.
a. grapesb. bananasc. applesd. strawberries
2. Dogs who eat this may become very ill from alcohol poisoning:
a. bread doughb. grape jellyc. applesaused. oatmeal
3. Ingestion of a few of these nuts can cause temporary paralysis of back legs in some dogs.a. macademia nutsb. peanutsc. brazil nutsd. pecans
4. Which raw fish can cause poisoning in dogs?a. sardinesb. salmonc. bassd. eel
5. This food is sometimes used to season dogs' meals, but can cause anemia:a. onionsb. chicken brothc. bacon fatd. peanut butter
6. In some dogs, this sweetener causes hypoglycemiaa. sucraloseb. saccharinc. xylitold. aspartame
7. Raw chicken bones are more dangerous to dogs than cooked onesa. trueb. false
8. A common food byproduct used in gardens has been found to cause vomiting, tremors and fast heartbeat when dogs eat it. What is it?a. composted vegetable wasteb. cocoa bean mulchc. composted corn husksd. peanut shell mulch
9. Dogs--especially dogs that are fed a straight diet of dry food with little variety--may get an inflammation of the pancreas called "pancreatitis" if they eat certain foods that they are not used to. Which of the following is likely to trigger pancreatitis?a. mashed potatoesb. raw eggsc. turkey skind. sugary candy
10. Which of the following holiday plants is "least" toxic to dogs?a. actually, none of these are toxic to dogsb. mistletoec. poinsettiad. holly
1. GRAPES - both grapes and raisins can be toxic. Some dogs eat them with, seemingly, no ill effects. However, some dogs become ill after ingesting only a few grapes or raisins. The first symptom is vomiting, followed by acute kidney failure, from which many dogs do not recover. As of yet, the toxin is still unknown, nor do we know why some dogs become sick and others eat grapes or raisins without a problem.
2. BREAD DOUGH: The yeast-containing bread dough can ferment in the dog's stomach, releasing large quantities of alcohol. Small dogs are most susceptible to this toxicity.
3. MACADAMIA NUTS: The ingestion of as few as siz macadamia nuts has caused paralysis in dogs. Dogs with macadamia poisoning will appear anxious and have difficulty moving their rear legs. The legs may appear to be painful. Luckily, the paralysis is temporary and clears up within a few days. The causative agent of the paralysis is unknown.
4. SALMON. Salmon and trout can be infected with a parasite called Nanophyetus salmoincola, a type of trematode worm. THe worms themselves can be infected with a type of bacteria knows as Neorickettsia helminthoeca. The bacteria only infects canids: other animals show no symptoms from eating it. When dogs eat raw fish infected with this bacteria, they can show symptoms including weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, swollen glands, and fever. Ninety percent of untreated dogs die. Cooking kills the worm and the bacteria.
5. ONIONS. Onions and garlic contain a chemical called thiosulfate. When ingested either in large quantities or in small quantities over a long period of time, they can cause an anemia called Heinz body anemia. This is reversible if you stop feeding onions or garlic.
6. XYLITOL. This toxicity usually occurs when dogs eat large amounts of sugar-free candy or gum, although there have been some serious cases from a single piece of gum in a smaller dog. In humans, xylitol does not cause a drop in blood sugar; in dogs it does. This can lead to weakness, staggering, and other symptoms of hypoglycemia. There is also some evidence that some dogs may develop liver failure after ingesting xylitol.
7. FALSE. The reverse is true. Cooked bones are much more dangerous. They are more brittle than raw bones and can splinter into sharp shards.
8. COCOA BEAN MULCH. Coacoa bean shells contain the same toxic theobromine that chocolate does, and are poisonous to dogs for the same reason. The mulch has an attractive chocolate smell that is irrisistable to some dogs.
9. TURKEY SKIN. In dogs, pancreatitis often results from eating a very high-fat meal. Sometimes, when a dog eats a high-fat meal, its pancreas overproduces enzymes to the extent that they actually begin to "digest" the pancreas and inflame it. Common culprits are turkey skin and ham fat. Symptoms include vomiting and stomach pain. This is a medical emergency and such dogs must be treated by a vet. Some breeds are genetically predisposed to pancreatitis.
10. POINSETTIA. Despite common misconceptions, poinsettias are only mildly toxic, and most dogs who eat them will experience no symptoms at all. Some dogs will drool or vomit after eating them. Holly causes intense nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Mistletoe causes vomiting, diarrhea, neurological problems, and heart failure.

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