Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thunderstorms vs. Petunia

Thunderstorms vs. Petunia Category: Pets and Animals
The other night when I was trying to catch up on sleep, we had a true blue, rip roarin', house shakin' thunderstorm. The first sound of it was a huge thunderclap that about shook the roof off. Inside the house, there was a collective jump of fur about 4 feet high off the bed. Most of them settled down afterwards, but Petunia headed for the hills, or under the bed, as it were. She continued to battle with the thunderstorm, mumbling at it under her breath between sounds, and out and out barking at the claps and lightning flashes. She wouldn't come out from under the bed, even with my promises to tuck her under the covers and keep her safe. Instead, she preferred to peek out from under the bed with one eye looking toward the ceiling so she could fend off the intruder. Satisfied when it finally went away, she returned to bed.

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